As I began Unbearable, a publisher contacted me and
asked me to turn Unlovable into a contemporary novel WITHOUT any fantasy, and
if I would, they would publish it. Needless to say, I jumped at it. I put
Booker’s story aside and began the transformation. I worked on it day and
night, I was so excited. After 2 months of hard labor, I finished a rough
draft. The publisher sent me an email…one line only... and said they changed their
mind. No reason, no explanation, no nothing.
I was angry, sad, furious, hurt, and Completely TICKED OFF! I could not believe the unprofessionalism of these people. They
offer me a one year contract, then pulled it with no reason. WHATEVER!
I heard about self-publishing and decided to give it a shot. And the rest, as they say, is history. So thank you so much for your support.
Now, Unbelievable. Where Unlovable had some fantasy, it was
the first of a trilogy so the “magic” had just begun, Unbelievable was heavy with fantasy. After Unlovable did
so well- did I say thank you:} I had
a lot of work to do to make Book 2 into a contemporary YA novel. You can imagine my
surprise when one day I open my Goodreads page and someone had added Unbelievable
and Unbearable to the reading library. I never said when they would be
published, and yet someone added them…No pressure! Anyway, I started working on
changing Unbelievable. I worked on it every day for six months. When I was finished…I
hated it! I really truly hated it.

So I started over. Along the way, something happen to Cole.
He turned into a sniveling coward. When I finished it for the third time…I
hated it even more. I hated waking up
knowing I had to work on it, I hated going to my computer and seeing the stupid document
mocking me… I HATED Cole and I despised
Lilah. If I were to never write another word ever again, I didn’t care.

I set Unbelievable aside and wrote Souls in Peril as a short story for an anthology. Unlike Cole’s story, I loved every minute of it. It went from a short story to a full novel. My days and night were filled with Max and JD. This was why I write. This was what made me happy.

I thought I just needed a break from Cole and Lilah. So when I finished Souls in Peril, I pulled up Unbelievable, ready to face Cole again. I would simple do some editing and then it would be ready.
But no. I still hated it. A friend asked me how it was
going. I told her. She said, and I’m not kidding, “Just put it out anyway. People
will buy it.” Another friend said, “No. Don’t do that, then no one will buy
I looked at both and said, “I don’t care about Unbearable. I can’t publish Book 2 because I could never ask my readers to take their hard earn cash and buy junk!”

That night I lay…or is it laid…whatever the word, I did it, and thought about Cole. What was he like in book one? Where did I want him to go? Then I knew. I knew exactly where he would go, and what he would do, and I knew Lilah and what she was going to be like. I got up and wrote the outline. Everything came together. Over the next few days, a million ideas came to me and Unbelievable was ready to begin… again!
I really can’t give you a date for Unbelievable to be published. It is unfair to tell you a date, then let you down…which has been eating at me too!
But the feeling is back. I am in love with Cole again, and
his story is going to be great! I want this series to be awesome. I want to
thank you for taking a chance on an Indie author, and I promise, I will work
very hard to get it done! Don’t give up on me!!
Sherry Gammon