
Thursday, June 11, 2015

The Hungry Family cookbook

I am not a fan of cooking…I really suck at it. Finding cookbooks that are easy to use and have recipes that actually taste good are a godsend. That is what The Healthy Family Slow Cooker is. Great recipes you make in the slow cooker without tons of prep! So far I have successfully made the Butternut Squash Soup (!!), Citrus Pork Salad ( I used chicken since I didn’t have pork…so good!) and the Slow-cooked Molasses Roast. (AMAZING). Next on the menu: Chicken Quesadillas. The whole house smells edible! I can’t wait for dinner! This is my new favorite cookbook. I keep it next to my slow cooker for ease. I HIGHLY recommend this book. I also recommend Dymock's Bacon Lovers cookbook!! See my review here:

Thanks for stopping by!
Sherry Gammon

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